Analysis | The Fast-Track Bill – A Path to Economic Prosperity or Democratic Downfall?

By Aamy Roshan Just last month, thousands of Aucklanders marched down Queen Street to protest the Fast-Track Approvals Bill, which was created to accelerate economic growth through development.1 Introduced in March, the Bill would essentially give three Ministers, Chris Bishop, Simeon Brown and Shane Jones, the unchecked power to consent to major development projects.2 Despite […]

Analysis | The New Zealand-EU Free Trade Agreement

By Lewis Mugonyi   Introduction On the 9th of July 2023, New Zealand and the European Union signed a lucrative Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Brussels, marking a significant milestone in Aotearoa’s international trade relations. The agreement has been in negotiation for several years with the aim of bolstering the economic ties of both parties, […]

Analysis | Colonisation in the Pacific

By Thomas Li Colonialism is an aggressive doctrine that derives its inherent roots from imperialism. The purpose of colonialism is geostrategic, as it involves establishing control of a country, invading and occupying it with settlers, and exploiting its resources for the benefit of colonisers. It has been argued that colonisation in the Pacific did not […]

Opinion | The Government Should Not Ban Cell Phones in Schools

By Maggie Long There is a stereotype that adults have a hatred towards teenagers and their phones. Whilst previously exaggerated, this stereotype is increasingly becoming a reality. Parenting blogs about ‘the dangers of screens’ and ‘how to get children off social media’ are becoming more prominent. Our society is at a crossroads with social media. […]

Opinion | What’s the Rush? The Use of Urgency in Parliament

By Riley Parnwell   Fair pay agreements: gone. Te Aka Whai Ora: out by the end of June. Three Waters: not happening. The Acts behind each policy have been repealed by the government under urgency at all stages of the legislative process. And yet, they represent only a few of the bills considered under urgency […]

Retrospective: 40 Years Since Airline Deregulation | by Eden Li

Privatisation of the domestic airline scene has undoubtedly been financially lucrative for New Zealand’s two biggest players. In late August 2023, Air New Zealand announced a net profit of $213M (RNZ, 2023). Although finances are yet to be released for Jetstar’s domestic New Zealand operations, indications suggest that 2023 has also been a lucrative year […]

Co-governance: Friend or Foe?

By Eden Li Co-governance: Friend or Foe? The recent focus on strengthening co-governance within Crown policy has been received with both confusion, and even outrage in some quarters. But what does co-governance actually entail? Will this contentious form of policy work in practice? One of the biggest questions in public policy has become whether government […]

The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: A Storied History

By Kaisheng Wu Among economists, carbon pricing mechanisms have often been touted as a singularly effective policy response to climate change. As such, the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) has been prioritised as the country’s key tool in meeting climate targets. Climate Change Minister, James Shaw, recently stated in April of this year that […]