PPC Political Forum

PPC Political Forum

The PPC Civics team is piloting a new initiative this year – the political forum! Come along every second Tuesday to discuss a variety of political ideas. You can find the next available opportunity on our Facebook page under ‘events’.



We’ll provide the pizza and the topic, then you’re free to discuss as you wish.
The first topic of the year was:

Is Infotainment Becoming too Influential in our Consumption of Politics?


We’ll break down the topic into ideas, big & small, and you’ll have your chance to debate with others in small groups, then come together and share insights as a room.

The location is 303-G16, and  the forum is first in, first served. It is also members only (but you can pay the $5 membership at the door) – members can bring along a plus one who can enter for free!

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We’re Recruiting!

  – APPLICATIONS FOR EXEC POSITIONS FOR 2016 HAVE NOW CLOSED –   If you care about politics and want to do something meaningful, apply

Re-Orientation Week

We are incredibly excited to host our very first orientation week from the 18th-22nd of July! Visit our PPC stall at the city campus recreation